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McCormick Whole Black Peppercorn, 13 oz.

Original price was: $11.99.Current price is: $10.69.

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Black Pepper comes from the dried, immature berries of Piper nigrum L. The deep brown to black, deep-set wrinkled berries, when ground have a characteristic, penetrating odor, and a hot, biting and very pungent taste. Product Features: From McCormick’s, the taste you trust Kosher Includes 13 oz. whole black peppercorns (Model 901085524)


Black Pepper comes from the dried, immature berries of Piper nigrum L. The deep brown to black, deep-set wrinkled berries, when ground have a characteristic, penetrating odor, and a hot, biting and very pungent taste. Product Features: From McCormick’s, the taste you trust Kosher Includes 13 oz. whole black peppercorns (Model 901085524)






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