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Rachael Ray Nutrish Beef and Brown Rice Dry Dog Food, 50 lbs.

Original price was: $61.19.Current price is: $54.59.

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Your dog deserves the absolute best, like quality dog food with simple ingredients and essential nutrients that you can trust. When average beef dog food just doesn’t cut it, serve your four-legged family member his or her very own version of a hearty beef and brown rice meal. Rachael Ray Nutrish natural premium dry dog food, real beef, pea & brown rice recipe is a delicious, dog-friendly take on a savory beef, pea, and brown rice dinner. This premium dry dog food recipe is made with simple, natural ingredients, like real U.S. farm-raised beef, which is always the number one ingredient, combined with wholesome vegetables and added vitamins and minerals. U.S. farm-raised beef provides high-quality protein to help support lean muscle, and the veggies add fiber to help support healthy digestion. It’s a wholesome and satisfying way to show your dog you care while providing 100% complete and balanced nutrition. This premium dog food recipe is Rachael-approved and natural and contains no corn, wheat, soy, gluten, poultry by-products, fillers, artificial flavors or artificial preservatives. Better yet, a portion of your purchase will help support The Rachael Ray Foundation, which helps animals in need get the food, medical supplies, treatments, and more that they may need. Product Features: U.S. farm-raised beef is the #1 ingredientPrebiotics from beet pulp help to naturally support healthy digestion and reduce upsetsNo poultry by-product meal, fillers, wheat or wheat gluten ingredientsMade in the USA with simple, natural ingredients with no artificial flavors or preservatives


Your dog deserves the absolute best, like quality dog food with simple ingredients and essential nutrients that you can trust. When average beef dog food just doesn’t cut it, serve your four-legged family member his or her very own version of a hearty beef and brown rice meal. Rachael Ray Nutrish natural premium dry dog food, real beef, pea & brown rice recipe is a delicious, dog-friendly take on a savory beef, pea, and brown rice dinner. This premium dry dog food recipe is made with simple, natural ingredients, like real U.S. farm-raised beef, which is always the number one ingredient, combined with wholesome vegetables and added vitamins and minerals. U.S. farm-raised beef provides high-quality protein to help support lean muscle, and the veggies add fiber to help support healthy digestion. It’s a wholesome and satisfying way to show your dog you care while providing 100% complete and balanced nutrition. This premium dog food recipe is Rachael-approved and natural and contains no corn, wheat, soy, gluten, poultry by-products, fillers, artificial flavors or artificial preservatives. Better yet, a portion of your purchase will help support The Rachael Ray Foundation, which helps animals in need get the food, medical supplies, treatments, and more that they may need. Product Features: U.S. farm-raised beef is the #1 ingredientPrebiotics from beet pulp help to naturally support healthy digestion and reduce upsetsNo poultry by-product meal, fillers, wheat or wheat gluten ingredientsMade in the USA with simple, natural ingredients with no artificial flavors or preservatives



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